Review: Emily K.

Brant and I are colleagues at Arrive Wellness in NYC. I’m a personal trainer and Pilates instructor there and Brant is a Posturologist. When he first introduced me to Posturology I was hobbling around the gym in a walking boot. I had a broken toe, chronic knee and hip pain and nobody could tell me why. Then Brant showed me how my poor eye convergence was causing muscular weakness and pain all down the left side of body. We put on the postural insoles, did some eye exercises and like magic my body was aligned, my muscles were firing and the pain was almost gone. I was shocked. I almost couldn’t believe that a solution could be so immediate and effective. But it was. If you’re losing hope, and you’re struggling with chronic pain and injury and you think you’ve tried everything, call Brant the Muscle Mechanic. You’ll be glad you did!