Review: Lou J.

Brant is the real deal !
I met Brant years ago as my personal trainer. I moved away from NYC, but have always stayed in touch. His recommendations and advise about working out and keeping my body in line has been extremely valuable over the past 15 years.

Recently I had the opportunity and great fortune to see him in person. It changed my life. Here's my story:

I am a 57 yr old man still actively playing 6 months of Softball. I play 4 times a week from Apr thru Sept. My body usually falls apart by the end of May, and, I drag my worn out legs, knees, shoulders, elbows, and entire body thru the next few 4 months praying I don't get seriously injured.

So...Brant turned me onto posturology.
I was skeptical at first. Not anymore !!! I just played a softball tournament and 12 games in row without an injury or even a need to bench myself due to pain or excessive soreness. Also...Brant corrected my eyes and body into perfect alignment. I was crushing the ball. I hit the fence at 305 ft not once but 6 times.
This was the most productive season I have had since I was in my early 40s.
Overheard on the bench from my 24 year old Short stop..."I hope I can smack the ball like that at 57"
Thank Brant