Review: Myra T.

Myra T

May 22, 2017

I've been to Brant before for an introductory session, and was blown away. He was able to fix alignment issues I thought couldn't be fixed, in minutes! And the effects were lasting. I recently saw him again for a knee I twisted in a freak sidewalk accident. It was hurting a lot and getting worse. I wasn't able to bend it or sit with my legs crossed or squat, or kneel sitting on my heels. I figured it was just an ice it, and let it heel and leave it alone kind of injury. But after seeing Brant-- I am not kidding- it is back to new! No BS. I am writing this now-- this was two days ago I went to see him--There is zero pain in that knee. The residual soreness in the calf and lower leg are completely gone. And I have full mobility in the knee. It's weird, because it's so fast-- this technique he uses. And I'm always amazed that there is no deep painful process. There's a clever science behind it that he has explained to me before, but I don't honestly remember what it is. It doesn't' matter. All I care is that it works. My body is functioning properly again. And I'm pain free. Totally amazing.  5 stars.